About Me

Hi! Welcome! *waves* I'm glad you are here!

(I've been told I use too many exclamation points. Don't think of it as yelling. Think of it as good old Children's Librarian enthusiasm coming right through your screen). 

I've been working as a Children's Librarian for about ten years in a variety of libraries from big suburban libraries to large urban systems to the small town suburban library where I currently work.

I run several programs a week for various different age groups so I started this blog to:
-  keep track of the things I'm doing
- pass on any ideas that might be helpful to other librarians (I love the ideas we get from each other - youth services librarians are the best!)

And now for something completely different: I once met Lois Lowry when I was twelve and we quoted (from memory) the whole first conversation of Anastasia, Again together (she was Katherine, I was Anastasia: "There's no point in living if you have to live in the suburbs!"). Years later, when I had taken my love of books and made it my career, I met her again at ALA and told her I was a Children's Librarian and thanked her for her work (it was very Thank You, Mr. Falker) and she was gracious and wonderful as you can imagine.

I'm so grateful for the opportunity to do this job every day. People hear what I do and say "that must be a great job!"


Want to get in touch? Email me at lauramariabultman (at) gmail (dot) com. 
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