
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Flannel Friday Roundup: May 27th

Alright, folks, it's time for the round-up!

First off, we have Wendy at Flannelboard fun with a flannel version of Bark, George. I love this story - I now have a new way to tell it!

Mr. Keith at Felt-tastic Flannelboard Funtime has a cupcake with attitude called Patty LeCake and not only is she adorable, but she teaches the letter of the week with a rhyme that is familiar to many people already. Hooray for Patty!

Jessica at Storytime in the Stacks has a great rhyme about five little babies and (for the clickbait version): you won't believe what happens at the end! I totally laughed!

Kate at Feltboard Magic has two interactive sets: five kites that teach numbers and color sorting and clouds that teach number sorting. I'm super jealous of her cute letters and numbers. (Maybe she'll share her secret with us....?)

Laura at Literacious has colorful butterflies ready for their color recognition rhyme. Bonus points for being nice and easy to make. 

And that's all for this week! Thanks to everyone for participating. Find out more about Flannel Friday on Facebook or at their blog. Have a great weekend!


  1. What a magnificent placeholder!!
    Thank you for hosting, and here's my contribution:

  2. Hey! Thanks for hosting!
    Here is my post:

  3. Thanks for hosting Laura! Here's mine for the week:

    5 Hungry Babies

    (so excited... I thought of an original rhyme AND drew my own flannel! For once I didn't have to borrow someone else's awesome idea!)

  4. These are my posts for the week - trying to make felt set more interactive whilst still promoting learning
